XenApp 6.5 to XenApp 7.5 Migration (Machine)

· 3 min read
XenApp 6.5 to XenApp 7.5 Migration (Machine)

Citrix will very soon offer a lot of scripts and tools to give the ability to migrate policies from a XenApp 6.5 farm to a XenApp 7.5, I’m currently testing all these Powershell script to check it out and maybe use it by including it in our migration process. What Citrix haven’t give us yet is a tool to move an existing XenApp 6.5 server to a XenApp 7.5 Site, steps are fairly simple and can be automatize :

  1. Leave XenApp 6.5 Farm
  2. **Reboot**
  3. Uninstall XenApp 6.5
  4. **Reboot**
  5. Install XenApp 7.5 VDA


This is not what I recommend to do because removing a piece of software to replace by another always leave some dirty little things everywhere… This is the reason I prefer to start from scratch and migrate application; sometime it’s not possible and we need to go fast, so these few steps are easy to customize and integrate in every deployment system in place.

The first step is to leave the XenApp 6.5 farm :

"c:Program Files (x86)CitrixXenAppServerConfigXenAppConfigConsole.exe" /ExecutionMode:leave /LogFilename:c:leavefarm%1.log
shutdown /r /t 10

To complete this farm leave script, you need to reboot the XenApp server.

The second step is to uninstall XenApp 6.5 using this command line :

msiexec.exe /x %pathtoXenApp6.5%XenApp Serverw2k8x64mps.msi /L*v c:output.log CTX_MF_FORCE_SUBSYSTEM_UNINSTALL=Yes /qb- /forcerestart

To complete this step the XenApp server needs to reboot again.

The last step is to deploy the new VDA (XenApp / XenDesktop 7.5) using this command line :

%XDandXA7.5Sources%x64XenDesktop SetupXenDesktopVdaSetup.exe /quiet /components vda,plugins /controllers "ddc01.metal.inc" /servervdi /enable_hdx_ports /optimize /baseimage /enable_remote_assistance /logpath c:xa75vda.log

Update 25 April 2014

If you plan to move your XenApp 6.5 servers to XenApp 7.5 you need to clean a bit more than simply XenApp, I had a lot of comments about Edgesight agent, Citrix Profile Management etc… and my answer if yes you need to uninstall each of these component to avoid any conflict with the VDA. For example Esgesight can be uninstall using the following command line :

msiexex.exe /x %pathto%EdgeSightXAAgentx64.msi /l c:UninstalEdgesight.log /qb

This is it ! I think Citrix will offer a “graphic” tool in some point, but I needed to have that ready now, so I share it !

Resources :

XenApp and XenDesktop 7.5 edocs

XenApp Uninstallation Best Practices