Official announcement : Citrix CTP appointment (English)
Annonce Officielle : Nomination Citrix CTP (Français)
I feel very proud and I’m very honored being selected to receive a Citrix Technology Professional (CTP) award. I’ve always looked all the former CTPs thinking they were great and at the same time thinking I will maybe be among them one day. This is the result of hard work and a lot of shared knowledge. Everything became possible because my company (Activlan) is the greatest one to work in and allow me such freedom to do what I love in my work. Activlan always supported me in all the action and makes me travel all around the world to meet all of you and share information and knowledge.
Citrix gave me the opportunity to work several time with them at different level and I deeply appreciate that as well, Education, Consulting, Speaking engagement, I’m very proud to have this bond between our two companies and the trust which is going on.
Thanks to Laura Whalen, Serge Rajevic and all people who always push me to go forward in life.