E2E Conference, you should go !

· 1 min read

Update :

You can download my slide deck to have all the information you wanted to have (URLs, Registry keys etc…)

E2E What’s new in XenApp 6.5 – Impact in production env.


Next E2E event will be in Vienna, Austria the 25th, 26th and 27th of May 2012


E2E is a great community conference around virtualization biggest actor on the international market, I have speaking engagement with Neil Spellings about Citrix XenApp 6.5, come and enjoy !

This presentation is about Citrix XenApp 6.5 new features and what it can bring to a real life production environment.

Alex Juschin, internationally recognized Virtualization Expert, Microsoft MVP and Citrix CTP for the last 6 years, invites you to join the next “E2E Virtualization Conference 2011 London” in London Docklands, UK – November 18-20, 2011 in Novotel Hotel @ExCel.
While the Agenda has yet to be finished it already contains over 35 Sessions on most actual topics like XenApp 6.5, XenServer 6, XenDesktop 5.5, Hyper-V v.3, ESXi 5 and many other topic’s! Plus, as usual, great networking possibility with virtualization folks from all over Europe and US. Register today as there are just few places left www.e2evc.com

E2E Virtualization Conference Agenda