I had this weird issue on my iMac 27″ running OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 with the Citrix Receiver 11.9.0 while installing it. The color of my Windows 8.1 published desktop went really weird :
On the left this is my desktop with Citrix Receiver 11.8 and on the right Citrix Receiver 11.9, this is really weird and resizing, full screen or not, the color remain degraded.
So I posted on Citrix’s forums and I got very quickly an answer from Dustin Norman [link]
To make it quick a change in the Citrix Receiver config file needs to be done. You need to edit
~/Library/Application Support/Citrix Receiver/Config
and change the line in the [WFClient] section
Vd3d=On // Change to Off
And then, here you go, everything is back to normal.
vd3d is the component for Aero redirection, I don’t fully catch what is the impact to disable it, I need to check it a bit further to fully understand.