Citrix Provisioning Server 5 Stand alone installation

· 1 min read

This quick installation will provide you the ability to test the product and run all the test you need to understand the way Provioning Server can change your point of view on provioning workstations and / or servers. This is a stand alone installation, which mean everything is install on the same server, DHCP, Pxe Boot, SQL Database, and TFTP server. No Active Directory interaction and no impact on the PRODUCTION network (be carefull to work in a separate VLan or on a close network.

At first you need to download Citrix Provisioning Server 5 here, after you need to download and install Microsoft Framework 3.5Sp1 from here, and optionaly, download and install Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 from here.

The video begin after the installation of the Framework 3.5Sp1. The first step in the video is the installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, you’ll find it with the Citrix Provisioning Server installation files.

Click on Continue to Read to watch the video.
