Citrix Edgesight 5 quick installation Windows 2003

· 1 min read

This short video was made to help begginner or people who want to know a bit more about this Citrix product. This is a very simple way to install Citrix Edegesight 5.01 on a Windows 2003 server.

What you need to set up before is IIS role install on the server and a SQL database. I have try with SQL Express 2005 Adv edition but it wasn’t possible to finish the installation. I’ll try to find out about this issue (-2147217900 error)

Edit 01 dec 2008:
SQL Express is not supported by Citrix but it works. EdgeSight 5.01 on a W2K8 Server with SQL2008 with Advanced Services work, you just have to give the correct ReportServer URL wich is for SQL Express: http://%servername%/ReportServer_SQLEXPRESS (Tip from Pierre)

Anyway, check this video, click on continue reading
