One more time for those who won’t have time to try another release here is a short and simple blog about Citrix CloudGateway 2.5, you’ll be able to read and see accross this blog post different steps and screens to setup the AppControler.
New version are coming along with every time as much new features as fixes from the previous releases. This new release, CloudGateway 2.5 is in fact an update of only one component, the AppController (from v2.0 to v2.5). The StoreFront Service remains the same version with v1.2, App Preparation Tool (MDX), Mobile App Management and ShareFile Sync for Receiver have been added to the CloudGateway package. And CloudGateway is now CloudGateway Enterprise. What’s new :
- Administration Enhancements
- Email Provisioning file
- Basic Workflow Management
- AppController w/ShareFile Storage Zones
- Policies for Web/SaaS/Mobile apps
- Me@Work mobile apps (@WorkMail and @WorkWeb)
- Mobile Device Management
- Receiver for Windows VPN Integration
- AGEE UI Customization
To read the full list of all the new features go here : [link]
Initial Configuration
After importing the application (Esx or XenServer), through the console or remote ssh access (if you enabled it) you can :
- Check System Date
- Check System Disk Usage
- Current used space
- Displays space available
- Toggle SSH Access
- To access same console menu via SSH
- No root access to the file system (more…)