Here is a script that simplifies the process of setting home directories for users in Active Directory.
The Script:
# Define the log file path
$logFilePath = "C:\PathToLogFile\AD_HomeDirectory_Setting.log"
# Start transcript to log the script's output
Start-Transcript -Path $logFilePath
# Define the target OU and home directory path
$targetOU = "OU=UsersWorldcom,DC=worldcom,DC=local" # Replace with your specific OU path
$homeDirectory = "\\server\share\%username%" # Replace with the desired home directory path
# Get a list of user objects in the target OU
$users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $targetOU
# Loop through each user and set the home directory value
foreach ($user in $users) {
# Construct the path for the home directory
$homeDirectoryPath = $homeDirectory -replace "%username%", $user.SamAccountName
# Set the home directory for the user
Set-ADUser -Identity $user -HomeDirectory $homeDirectoryPath -HomeDrive "P" # You can change the HomeDrive letter as needed
# Log the action for each user
Write-Output "Home directory for $($user.SamAccountName) set to $homeDirectoryPath"
# Stop the transcript to finish logging
Here's a breakdown of the script:
- Log File Definition:The script begins by defining a log file path and starting a transcript to log the script's output. This is crucial for keeping a record of the actions performed.
- Target OU and Home Directory Path:The script specifies the target Organizational Unit (OU) and the desired home directory path. You should customize these values to match your specific Active Directory structure and file server paths.
- Getting User Objects:It retrieves a list of user objects in the specified OU using the
cmdlet. - Loop Through Users:The script loops through each user in the specified OU, constructs the path for their home directory by replacing "%username%" with their
, and then sets the home directory and drive letter (in this case, "P") for each user. It logs the action for each user in the transcript. - Stop Transcript:The script ends by stopping the transcript, ensuring that all actions are recorded in the log file.