Install Citrix XenApp5 on Windows 2008

· 1 min read

Installing Citrix XenApp is very easy but you have to know some tips before running an installation of this product. First you begin with a clean Windows 2008, up2date. The you’ll have to install Java JRE 1.6.0_05 then install the framework .net 3.5 and after you can install Visual C++ runtimes located on the DVD of XenApp 5 (in supportvcredist x86 and x64) and you’ll maybe need to install Microsoft Primary Interoperability Assembly 2005 located on the DVD too (in AdministrationAccess Management ConsoleSetupvs_piaredist.exe)

Of course you need to have a licence server and think about the way you want to create (or join) an existing farm and the way you will build your datastore before. There is three easy way, local access database, with the SQLExpress localted on the DVD (in SupportSqlExpress_2005_SP2) or a SQL Database.

Then you’re ready to go.

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