This first big European event is over now, I wasn’t able to attend all the session I wanted to go but mostly I’m satisfy by the information I gather and great people I met.
There was no very big announcement, XenDesktop 5 has been unleashed since day 1 but one product have been put under the light by Citrix and this is a great tool for online meeting, the introduce a new feature, a product evolution, GoToMeeting HDFaces (up to 6 video stream during web conference)
Citrix Synergy in Europe is a great way to meet new people, new customers and compare how business is going in the other countries. This is also the best way to have direct input from visionary guys Rick Dehlinger, Shawn Bass, Citrix CTOs etc… This is very important to see everything and understand the way everyone is perceiving evolution of IT and business next years. I gather all the information I can grab and digest it to do my own perception, I can then deliver my through and feeling to my customers.
Next Synergy will be in San Francisco in May 2011 and in Barcelona in October 2011, I really hope to meet you there, this is always a pleasure to meet new people and exchange about our every day job at all levels.